martes, 11 de octubre de 2011

The perfect place to go this summer: Mollendo.


Mollendo is a town bordering the Pacific Ocean in southern Peru. It is located in theArequipa Region and is the capital of both the Islay Province and the Mollendo District. Mollendo was the main port in the Peruvian southern coast until Matarani was developed about 50 years ago; the port of Mollendo only serves fishermen for the local economy currently and all the commercial shipping is done through Matarani 12 kilometers north; the old port is in ruins. Mollendo's population more than doubles during the summer, mostly from people from Arequipa. The railroad used to run a passenger train daily, but a good highway connects Mollendo to the Panamerican Highway now and the train now only runs the summer express that goes down from Arequipa on Saturday and returns on Sunday; the beach is the main attraction, even though it is visited by the Humboldt Current that brings cold water from Antarctica.
Mollendo exports wool and has industries producing cementtextiles, canned fish, andcheese. It is also a popular beach resort. The Auxiliary Ship BAP Mollendo (ATC-131) of the Peruvian Navy is named after the town.

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